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Yellow fever: Although vaccination against yellow fever is not officially required to travel to Peru, it is known that the disease is present in the jungle and vaccines are recommended for those who travel to all tropical forest destinations in South America, America Central and the Caribbean. Those who seek vaccination before the trip should remember to receive their vaccination at least 10 days before their arrival in the jungle. Those who are already vaccinated should remember that they will need a “booster” vaccine every ten years.Yellow fever is a viral infection that occurs in Africa and South America. Most people begin to develop immunity within ten days and 99{542ab2957abc7adb09ef6103fbb49604ce3aef72cc4ac59a77df8282eaafc67e} are protected within a month of vaccination, and this seems to be for lifeThe World Health Organization recommends routine immunization in all countries where the disease is common.Mild side effects may include headache, muscle aches, pain at the injection site, fever and rash. It should not be administered to people with very poor immune function.The yellow fever vaccine came into use in 1938. Some countries require a vaccination certificate against yellow fever before entering from a country where the disease is common, which is not the case in Peru.

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