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Plaza De Armas Of Puerto Maldonado (Main Square)

Is the centerof The city center of Puerto Maldonado. In 1923, the prefect Don Carlos León Velarde commissioned the plans of the city and the Plaza de Armas, is being developed by Mr. Carlos V. Pajares and Mr. Carlos Alférez Briolo. The roundabout of the square is a legacy of the Japanese colony is a building formed by a small four-sided tower. It was originally built on the wood and thus remained until the third building, now in its cement was used final construction. Even today you can see that the tower is adorned by the watches donated at that time by the company “citizen”. It is the main meeting place of the population, especially on weekends and it is here that the main civic ceremonies and traditional festivals of the city are held.


Native Community Of Palma Real

Belongs to the Tacana linguistic family and the Ese’Eja ethnic group. Access is by boat three hours from Puerto Maldonado. Subsistence activities such as hunting, fishing and harvesting in the traditional way. Recognized for its crafts made by women, mainly baskets mainly tamishi, experts in the development of high quality bows and arrows. From the community you can visit Lake Valencia, which is 1 Hra. walk and the banked Palma Real Chico 20 min. the community is ideal for sport fishing, hiking and observation of numerous mammal ilams on the banks of the ravine. Nature tourism activities can be combined with experiential tourism to accompany the comuneros to carry out their daily activities or for women during the elaboration of traditional crafts.


Puerto Maldonado Butterfly Zoo

Peru offers the largest number of butterfly species on the planet “about 3700” and it is possible to see most of them in this task conservation of the butterfly working well, started in 1996. In addition, there are shows in the conservation of the rainforest. Is it a welcome center for travelers heading to 1 of Inkaterra? You’re lodgings in the jungle, and when you? D in that group what? You’ll become exempt from passing the exorbitant access fee. Butterflies are good, but at this cost do they remember? You’ll see a lot of free “free” species in the proper jungle. The Tambopata Butterfly, is an environmental education center, butterfly conservation center, butterfly promotion research laboratory, where children and school-age youth and visitors can enjoy an entertaining experience unique educational. It is located at approximately 200 m.


Puerto Maldonado River Port

This pier near the Plaza de Armas is really a cheap method of seeing a small amount of stock on a significant Peruvian jungle river “of the Madre de Dios River”, i.e. about 500 meters wide at this time. The river traffic is vibrant – pekis peki “canoes driven by two-stroke motorcycle engines with extravagant long propeller axles” keep from the dock? but very small due to the start-up of William Billinghurst Bridge “Intercontinental Bridge”, the bridge at this time transporting the transoceanic road over the river a couple of hundred meters to the northwest. Gone will be the days whenever a wave of protests from decrepit catamarans moved motorists bound for Brazil and vehicles over the river next to a continuous diatribe of the smaller boats coming and it is likely that this or that slot in the midst of a sizzle of wheezing engines. Welcome to the 21st century.


Sachavacayoc Lake

Located on the right bank of the Tambopata River, within the Tambopata National Reserve. Access to 30 Puerto Maldonado by road to the CC.NN. hell, then hoists 4 hours by boat to the same sector Sachavacayoc and walk 1 hour and a. half by a meter visitors can enjoy the peace and quiet of the beauty of the landscape, as well as the flora and fauna One of the mammals that visit the lake is the sachavaca who usually takes a swim in the lake there comes his name.; you can also observe a family of river wolves and some other mammals on the shore.


Sandoval Lake

It is located on the right bank of the river below the Mother of God, within the Tambopata National Reserve. With 24 thousand visitors per year. This lake is the most visited tourist attraction of the Mother of God and the Peruvian jungle. Access by waterway, then by a meter of 4 Km. Its landscape is characterized because on the banks in a marshy area grow a lot of palm trees of water, forming what is known as “aguajales” that give the lake its particular beauty. You can see the giant otter or “river wolves” and other wildlife species in the forests surrounding the lake. The activities take a rowing boat ride to observe biodiversity.


Tambopata National Reserve

The Tambopata River is really a main tributary of the Madre de Dios River, subscribing to this service in Puerto Maldonado. Boats climb the river, passing through many good cottages, and in the Tambopata National Reserve, a significant protected area divided into the reserve itself and the buffering area “separation zone” Zone. The price of the recreation area entrance should be compensated at the Sernanp workplace in Puerto Maldonado, if it is not usually on a guided trip, then you can pay at the related cottage office. However, another fee is required in case they are directed to the appropriate reserve “such as for the Tambopata Study Center” rather than just the buffer zone.


The Jaguar Zoo

Called an animal shelter, it is located 200 meters from Andrés Avelino Cáceres © s. This resort is home to a large number of different species of wildlife in captivity, the visitor can observe and meet each of them.


Tres Chimbadas Lake

Located on the left bank of the Tambopata River, 15 min. Ride upriver as the CC.NN. hell, is within the buffer zone of the Tambopata National Reserve. 2nd most visited lake by tourists who come to the Mother of . God is characterized because on its shore were observed in the shanshos, you can also observe the river wolf and other species of the area, but also appreciate very large trees and medicinal plants.


Tropifauna Serpentarium

Located 2 kilometers from Guillermo Billinghurst Interoceanic Bridge a zoo dedicated to conservation and local environmental education, it was founded with the purpose of helping to promote respect for fauna and flora in the population, currently with various species of flora and fauna in captivity, aquarium and a compound of stuffed animals.


Tupac Amaru Lake

Located in the territory of the Community of Tupac Amaru approx. 25 min. of the city of Puerto Maldonado, with an extension of 166 Ha, is conducive to recreational tourist activity, observation of flora and fauna. In the lake you can find fish such as piranhas, taricayas and black alligator and sometimes the jaguar. Visitors can go canoeing and catamarans, sport fishing and swimming.


Valencia Lake

It is located on the left bank of the Madre de Dios River, northwest of Puerto Maldonado, approximately 4 hours by boat. Its extension is 15 km. In its surroundings there are large trees such as chestnut and lupuna and a diversity of wildlife. On the shores of the lake are located the settlements dedicated to the collection of chestnut and fishing. This was one of the first lakes in Madre de Dios where it was introduced to the paiche, a species native to the northern jungle of Peru, which is two meters long and is one of the largest fish as of the Amazon.


Native Community Of Infierno (Hell)

Belongs to the Tacana linguistic family and the Ese’Eja ethnic group, is located on both banks of the Tambopata River, the access is by road 30 minutes from Puerto Maldonado. In this community there are activities such as subsistence hunting and fishing and wild fruit harvesting. Prepared with plants native to traditional medicine, and the use of forest products for the production of handicrafts. This community according to the tourism company Rainforest Expeditions, the tourist activity is developed in the hostel Posada Amazonas, by which the members of the community have been trained to take on tasks for ecotourism. This work is recognized internationally. Activities include a visit to Lake Three Chimbadas Lago, salting areas and “kayak” adventure activities. To visit this community must be coordinated in advance with the Tourism Committee.


Madama Lake

Located on the left bank of the Madre de Dios River, it is an ancient meander and the remaining water course of the Madre de Dios River. It is 30 minutes by the interoceanic road from Puerto Maldonado. The body of water is an extension of 1.5 km. In length. In the surrounding areas are developed activities of agriculture and livestock. It is characterized by a landscape of palm trees of water and large flooded areas, giving the lake a special beauty. Reptiles such as the black alligator and wild birds can also be seen.


Macaw Clay Lick Pariamanu

It is located on the left bank of the Pariamanu River at 4 hours. crossed the same CC.NN river. Pariamanu mouth. To this Collpa come a lot of parrots, macaws are also visible in different colors. The collpeo activity lasts approximately 2 hours or more, early in the morning.


Macaw Clay Lick Chuncho

It is located on the left bank of the Tambopata River, within the Tambopata National Reserve, approx. 90 km upstream of Puerto Maldonado and 3 hours. From the CC.NN. from hell. Unlike the Colorado slat it does not have much slope, it is almost horizontal, so the river flow always clean of vegetation and is permanently with the wall of bare clay. Every day you visit more than 200 parrots and macaws of different colors to feed on clay as a supplement to your diet.


Macaw Clay Lick Colorado

Is the hand of macaws and the greatest parrots of the Mother of God. Located on the left bank of the Tambopata River, within the Tambopata National Reserve, 120 km from Puerto Maldonado and 7 hours by boat crossed by the Tambopata River from the port of cc.NN. from hell. For this place more than 200 daily there are birds, mainly macaws, parrots and parakeets in the morning to carry out “collpeo”, which consists of the intake of clay deposited on the walls of the lick. The tourist attraction is the high concentration of these species of birds. Sometimes several types of mammals can be observed that perform the same collpeo activity.


Lake Condenado I And Condenado II

Both lakes are part of the Tambopata River route, on its right bank, located within the Tambopata National Reserve. Your access by road from Puerto Maldonado to the CC.NN. Hell, from where you travel for 2 hours upriver finally you enter walking 30 min. by a pressure gauge. Both lakes are known for their scenic beauty and tranquility. The condemned Lake II has marshes and a large island, among its fauna you can appreciate the river wolf and the diversity of the animals. The flora stands out with the large tree such as the lupuna.


Huitoto Lake

It is accessed from Puerto  Maldonado to travel 30 minutes along the interoceanic road to the labyrinth city, from where you sail approximately 4 hours by boat along the river Madre de Dios. The name of Lake Huitoto is due to the ancestral presence of an indigenous community of the Huitoto ethnic group. It is one of the largest lakes in the Madre de Dios region and has a meytric origin as an ancient channel of the Madre de Dios River, the body of water has a total length of 63 km long. Here you can see a great diversity of birds, the emblematic animal “river wolf” and the black alligator.


Guillermo Billinghurst Bridge

Abundant in the Madre de Dios river is the bridge with 722 m. length and two towers of 40 m that rests on a concrete base and by twelve piles of steel nailed to the river of height, considered the longest in Peru , which are part of the Interoceanic South road and connects to Brazil with our country. This important means for trade and transport. It was inaugurated in July 2011 by then-President Alan García Pérez. This construction, with an investment of 27 million dollars, has been a dream of Peru and Brazil, especially for the residents of the area who were forced to use rafts as they passed the vehs.


Cocococha Lake

Cocococha Lake is located on the right bank of the Tambopata River, within the Tambopata National Reserve, approx. 70 km. from Puerto Maldonado. The CC.NN is accessed by road. Demons, 3 Hr. by the Tambopata River, concluding with the 2-hour walk. Approx. The lake has exceptional beauty and has a variety of flora and fauna, highlighting the presence of the river wolf. This lake is one of the few breeding and nesting sites of a large blue heron community, a bird difficult to observe elsewhere.


Boca Pariamanu Jungle Community

Belongs to the Pano linguistic family and the Amahuaca Yora ethnic group. Perform hunting and fishing, the production of cassava, bananas and maize for domestic consumption mainly. The collection and sale of chestnut is one of the most important activities for its development. This community is accessed by way during 4 Hr. of Puerto Maldonado on the Madre de Dios River and Pariamanu. The activities on offer are hikes on trails for observing flora and fauna, camping, swimming in the river and ravine, sharing the daily life of the community


Biodiversity Viewpoint

Although this glittering cosmic stranglery blue building was designed while today’s viewpoint “lookout”, its height of 30 meters will unfortunately not raise a lot of high above the city for the public to glimpse the rivers. The view is still wonderful: a distant light from the jungle and a lot of corrugated metal covers could be admired! Images shown along the record rise those historical moments as the first time mototaxi found their city road. This work was carried out by the Tambopata Provincial Council and inaugurated on 26 September 2002. This view is a monument to Amazonian biodiversity, has a height of 47 m “15 plants” and represents a chestnut, considered a native species of the region of the Mother of God. From the top of the viewpoint you can see the confluence of the Tambopata River with the Madre de Dios River, the Amazon rainforest skyline and the entire city of Puerto Maldonado. Here you will be re…


Bahuaja Sonene Park

About two hours south of the Madre de Dios River and the entire Heath River “this last forming the Peru border? Bolivia”, Bahuaja Sonene National Park has among the best wildlife within Peru? S area of the Amazon, including rarities because the mane wolf and the spider monkey, although they are difficult to detect. Infrastructure in the recreation area, one of the countries? S big, bound, and wildlife watching outings come in your childhood here. The entrance load of the park should be compensated at Sernanp in Puerto Maldonado, since the checkpoints on the way don? T sell tickets.
